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Solico - Sorenson - Indicator Lights - List 3

Section#1... Solico - 34 Series 

A... Reverse Polarity Indicator Light... PN: 11-7510RP125


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3 Terminals - 90 to 125 Volts AC

Green & Red Lens

Cutout  - .375" x 1.28" *

Bezel   - .460" x 1.38"

Wiring Instructions:
Hot (Black) Wire To Green Side Terminal
Neutral (White) Wire To Center Terminal
Ground (Green) Wire To Red Side Terminal


Note: "N" & "R" are for for clarity only!
They do not exist on actual product!

Green Indicates: Normal"

Red  indicates: "Reverse Polarity"

This unit replaces Alco GT-33 which is no longer manufactured!

* Alco mounting hole is slightly larger than Solico mounting...

Field modification will be required!
Modification Options...
1: Mount new light in plastic material and afix in place over existing cutout.
2: Insert edge molding in existing cutout to new cutout size.

3: Silicone or epoxy new light in place.

Previously Series 4000



Section#2... Solico - 33 Series

A... Panel Indicator Lights Rectangular

Call With Request!

125 Volts AC Red Or Green In Stock

Pig Tail Wire Leads

Cutout  - .375" x 1.28"

Bezel   - .460" x 1.38"



Section#2... Solico - 25 Series

A... Panel Indicator Lights Rectangular

prod_11_3k_03.jpg (7709 bytes) Click Graphic To Enlarge

The Black Bezel / Red Lens Is Series 25

Pig Tail Wire Leads & .250 Tabs

125 Volts AC Red Or Green In Stock 

Cutout  - .55" x 1.125"

Bezel  - .460" x 1.38"


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 Revised:10/17/2019 15:08:07